Toyota Corolla
Model: 2021 / 2022
Car Rental / chauffeur Service
with driver: 100 kilometre - 10 Hours per day inside Cairo
The price includes the fuel & driver
Payment will be Cash - Payment online / Visa / Bank Transfer
Prices are not including Gratuities
Skilled and trained drivers Safe & Economic Driving
The Luxury people carrier from Toyota is comfortable and elegant
Your welfare is our aim
Professional, Reliable and Affordable
You will enjoy absolute privacy
Free First aid ( Alcohol - Free Mask - Sterile wipes )
We know how to take care of you and we care about your service
We are committed to the system of total protection from COVID-19
More luxury, comfort and safety
Book Now
+1(234) 222 1115
+20 102 77 22 4 22
WhatsApp 24/7
+1 234 222 111 5
+20 10 277 22 4 22
#standard #luxury #van #SUVs #Minivan #VIPs
#minibus #cairodaytours #transferservice #Bus #touristbus
التأمين | 1 يوم | 2-4 يوم | 5-7 يوم | 8-15 يوم | +15 يوم |
25% | $ 95 | $ 95 | $ 90 | $ 85 | $ 80 |
التأمين | 25% | 1 يوم | $ 95 | 2-4 يوم | $ 95 | 5-7 يوم | $ 90 | 8-15 يوم | $ 85 | +15 يوم | $ 80 |
لمدة 1 يوم
السعر غير شامل الضريبة